
Monday, April 01, 2013

Monday Pick-Me-Up

Food Photography

Food Photography

The past weeks have been a lot of learning, re-learning, observing, practicing and digging up those past experiences from the back of my mind. Hours were spent over minute details, trying to improve, attempting to achieve perfect imperfection. And we haven't even really started yet.

Food Photography

Food Photography

Today I learned that Marco Pierre White's favorite mantra for those who aspire to be like him - "Perfection is lots of little things done well." - is not his own, but Fernand Point's, the father of modern French cuisine. I shall be holding on to this for the rest of our journey, hopeful for it to be fruitful at the end.


  1. Aaaahh!!! Marry Me! Sigh... That aside, beautiful pictures (as always). I have been trying out a few of your recipes. Though plating them like you do is another story altogether. This is more of a request actually, I am assuming the blog banner is the photo of your kitchen. If that's the case, could you do a post on a tour around your kitchen. I don't know whether that's a private thing or if it's me butting in or anything... but it would be really nice to get to know your work space. It looks very zen. Looking forward to your book and wishing you the best along the way.

  2. Hi Merryn, sorry for the late reply. The banner is unfortunately not my kitchen, it's a stock photo. My entire apartment is about that big. LOL!

    If we have the time there will be some kitchen shots aimed for the book. Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Hi Pick Yin, I stumbled upon your beautiful blog last week but regretted "clearing history" without having bookmarked your blog. (And I tried recalling how I ended up on your blog to no avail.) Thank God I'm back here again by chance (searching for seri muka recipes) and just wanted to say hello & I'm looking forward to reading your blog regularly. Congratulations and have a blast working on your akan-datang cookbook!

  4. Sooo looking forward to your cookbook.

  5. Sherine and cristalglace: Thank you! I hope you will not be disappointed.


Life is Great

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