
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Chinese New Year Pineapple Tarts (Redux)

Chinese New Year Pineapple Tarts

If "There would be no New Year without pineapple tarts!", then as a child I wouldn't have had any Chinese New Year at all. My mother, although she baked (yes, she no longer does, she has indeed 'thrown in the apron'), never made cookies for us kids. Much less the time consuming, finicky, hair pulling invention like the New Year pineapple tart - I don't even remember her buying them. She would sooner get containers of peanut cookies or kuih kapit (love letters).

Chinese New Year Pineapple Tarts

So why am I going on about pineapple tarts again? With barely three weeks between the first day of 2012 and the first day of the (lazy) Dragon year, with various tasks of the (dreaded) annual spring cleaning stuffed into the calendar while still trying to recover from December, I was seriously contemplating of skipping the cookie baking stint altogether this time. The hours saved can be spent frolicking around Chinatown, spending money on things I most likely will not need and gorging on good dim sum. Then, just then, just when I thought I can adopt that famous trait of the Dragon, the memory of a peanut cookie slowly disintegrating and a pineapple tart melting away in my mouth got me lugging my behind to the market for ingredients.

Chinese New Year Pineapple Tarts

Just as well, because as I was rolling the peanut cookie balls one night, Mum texted to ask if I will be bringing home some. Then just after I finished jamming five pineapples for two hours, Penny and Shirley got us yakking over Twitter about our pineapple tart recipes, both ladies venturing into the closed and open-faced versions. I stuck with last year's from Lai Kuan and tried my best to improve my hand-rolling skill - there was really no time to experiment with other shapes and pastry formulas, despite having bought a set of traditional metal tart crimper awhile ago. While the process was just as time consuming and laborious as last year, the reward was satisfying as Vijay popped four tarts at one go when I wasn't looking.

There is still time to make these babies if you're up for it. Just switch on the tele to your favorite soap opera and roll away (we watched Sherlock while I was at it). Gong Xi Fah Chai!

Related Chinese New Year recipes:
Pineapple Tarts (凤梨酥/菠萝酥)
Chinese New Year Peanut Cookies (花生饼)
Semperit Cookies
Chinese Chicken Rice
Hakka Tofu Sung (Salted Fish Tofu with Minced Meat, 客家豆腐鬆)
Hakka Salted Steamed Chicken (客家盐鸡)
Har Lok (虾烙): Tiger Prawns with Spicy Fermented Bean Sauce


  1. Love this recipe! Thanks for sharing. I love Hakka yong tau foo.

  2. Wow, these are gorgeous! Very neat and looks better than last year's

  3. These are fascinating - they kind of look like sweet little sausage rolls! Would love to try one. :D

  4. oh lovely! personally, i never had these when we celebrated the lunar new year. i've made this one, as an open face tart and it was for a birthday celebration.
    happy new year! may this new year be happy, full of good health and prosperous.


  5. RibbonClown: They're not difficult, just time consuming. Good for when you have days to kill in front of the tele, maybe put a favorite series on rerun. And also get someone to occupy your son. :D

    Shirley: Yeah I spent longer rolling them this year I think. Heh...

    thelittleloaf: They're the sweet jam babies in blankets. Heh... you wouldn't be able to stop at one.

    Lan: It was never a tradition in our family too, but I remember having it at relative's and friend's houses during CNY. Thank you so much for the well wishes and same to you!

  6. I've never had much of a sweet tooth but I found myself gravitating towards Hong Kong egg cakes recently.

    Happy Lunar New Year!


  7. ginger and scotch: Happy new year to you too! Hong Kong cakes and desserts are in their own league, when I was there I never had a bad sweet tooth day.


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